Square Morden Pebble Pots

Square Morden Pebble Pots

  • Views: 1568
  • Product code:BVCS1072
  • Dimensions:37x37, 26x26, 18x18 (cm)
  • Price: Contact

Product details

Are you looking for a large street planter for your storefront, or a medium sized cement planter pot to enhance the decor of your residential property?
Manufactured from GRC (Glass Reinforced Cement) which makes the planter extremely durable, but embossed  with the natural stone surface which make the planter an attractive option for any home. The beauty of flowers and plants with the natural look of the pot create an awesome combination.

We - BaoVy Pottery, call cement planter, GRC planter, concrete planter, cement pot, GRC pot, concrete pot, pebble pot, pebble planter, pebble cement planter, pebble cement pot, flower pot

For a complete collection of our GRC- Pebble planters, please request for our Catalog or Contact Us for any custom inquiry.