Morden White Terrazzo Round Pots

Morden White Terrazzo Round Pots

  • Views: 1636
  • Product code:BVCT207
  • Dimensions:82x57, 54x43, 32x25 (cm)
  • Price: Contact

Product details

GRC-Terrazzo planters are all hand-cast using dry mix technique that incorporates concrete, and share some of the features: sleek, modern, light and extremely durable. They are stunning with or without plants, making a bold statement that offers a tall option in architectural and design planting. Our GRC terrazzo planters are made up of   glass fiber reinforced cement in mortar, incoporated  with granite chips and stone additives . GRC is a new light-weight material with the strength characteristics compared to other cement products and yet it is persistent and has a lot of design flexibility.

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For a complete collection of our GRC-Terrazzo planters, please request for our Catalog or Contact Us for any custom inquiry.