Painted Concrete Planters - Simple Black

Painted Concrete Planters - Simple Black

  • Views: 1520
  • Product code:BVCP115
  • Dimensions:50x50, 40x40, 30x30, 20x20, 10x10 (cm)
  • Price: Contact

Product details

Upgrade the living space with modern Hand-painted Cement Plant Pots that cleverly harmonizes natural and industrial elements. Beautifully handmade using natural materials combined with colorful patterns, these stunning pieces are the perfect way to introduce texture into any room’s scheme. These are versatile Hand-painted Cement Plant Pots that exceed interior design trends and latest fads.

We - BaoVy Pottery, call painted planter, painting cement planter, GRC pot, GRC planter, cement pot, light weight cement pot

For a complete collection of Painted Concrete planters, please request for our Catalog or Contact Us for any custom inquiry.